Sony SmartWatch 3 SWR50 Review

Powered by Android wear, this watch goes beyond providing time with its other special features that make it stand out among regular watches. It is not your regular accessory, so it’s a great investment for those who are into wearable technology.

Among its pros are its numerous functions apart from being a watch. It can store music, work as a fitness device, and customizable features according to unique users’ requirements. Buyers will feel as if they have several devices to use without getting all devices, saving them money in the end.

Downloadable apps from Google Play are also compatible with this device. Apps can be installed and sync easily to assure users that they’ll have all the apps they need on the go.

Another advantage is its groundbreaking technology and design combo. Numerous Sony SmartWatch reviews laud its chic and edgy style that doesn’t look like other regular watches. Sony and Android combined both brands’ aesthetic and style elements to guarantee this device will stand out among others.

Monitoring fitness goals is also easy with SmartWatch 3 because of its iFit GPS app. It tracks the users’ distance, elevation, speed and heart rate whenever worn and while doing their activities. Statistics are also saved and sync to its website, which users can access later on.

Finally, this watch is also a comfortable accessory to use. It doesn’t only look great, but also looks light and comfortable to wear, making it an ideal accessory for minimalists.


While being a praised device, SmartWatch 3 also has its downside. First is some official Sony apps will still need to be updated, which means they can’t be used with the latest device for now.

Another downside is GPS inconsistency experienced when used. It can be too sensitive that results won’t show accurately. Some users thought that this problem can be fixed with firmware update.

As of now, the device doesn't support offline maps, which can be helpful for many users. Developers may update this feature, but consumers would need to wait for some time before updates will be launched.

Finally, the device still lack other accessories that other manufacturers are already offering with their own smart watches.

Product Description

Sony SmartWatch combines the conventional function of the watch with the modern features of Android OS all wrapped in one classy and slick construction.

Features and Specifications

Android Wear support.
Multiple Sensors for GPS, motion, accelerometer, Gyro and others.
Voice recognition features.
Standalone features.
Waterproof body.
IP58 rating.
Long battery life up to 48 hours.
Support for multiple apps.
One year manufacturer warranty.
Lightweight body.
Available in four colors: Lime, White, Pink and Black.


Overall, this Sony SmartWatch has features worth checking out, especially for those who want to experience the modern take on conventional devices. It works fine at its current features, but it obviously still needs some improvements. Knowing the brand, consumers can expect great future for its updates.


Chinito Ratings
4.1 stars

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