Get Rid of Your Inner Critic

Do you know that many individuals have an inner critic or judge that regularly beats up on them, makes them feel stupid, small, inadequate, weak, foolish, judged and unworthy? Do you know this "thing" is a remnant from your past that has overstayed its welcome and is only doing you and your life irreparable harm? Finally, do you know there is now a way to permanently release/erase this negative energy from within? 

How does one do that, you ask?

That "inner critic" is a "stand in" for those significant individuals from your past who have ever severely criticized you, made you feel inadequate, imperfect, like a failure, have abused, neglected, humiliated and/or rejected you.

As children, and often even as adults, we find ourselves susceptible and suggestible to buying into and believing what others say and/or think about us. Often these "beliefs" are not made explicit rather are implied by the way they treat us. For instance if one is abused as a child by an important other, in order to explain to one's self why this happened to them there is a tendency to blame one's self for the abuse they sustained. In this way they supposedly gain some measure of control over what happened to them and allows them to rectify it in the future.

Unfortunately this strategy is one of many that create the seeds of the inner critic which gets buried in the fertile ground of the subconscious mind and sprouts a negative self abusing energy that remains there for life. The inner critic is held in place by illogical but subconsciously stored beliefs about its usefulness.

These beliefs are essentially lies. An example can be derived from what was said above, i.e., believing that one is responsible for the abuse they sustained supposedly makes them feel like they "know" why it happened and this supposedly allows them to change and/or improve upon themselves so as to make themselves more likable, lovable, and therefore feel safe, secure, calm, peaceful, content, comfortable, relaxed, able to be spontaneous, and able to be themselves authentically.

Now I know the last sentence was a bit long winded but the point of it was to help you experience a shift. I wonder if you felt anything happening inside while you were reading it? Often individuals start to feel things such: warmth, lightness, relief, joy, inner peace, calmness, brightness, uplifted and so on.

If you felt any of the above and you harbored an inner critic you'll find that the intensity of that "thing" inside you has likely diminished. If you focus on some memories of that abuse you'll likely also find that their intensity has diminished.

So what is going on here, you ask?

Well, you have begun to release, actually erase, those memories and that critic from within. In order to complete the process a few more steps are required.

Photo credits to AthenaTrainingAndConsulting
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